Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Call for HELP

ROMP supporters-

Now more than ever, we need your help. The devastation of the Haitian earthquakes is incomprehensible and we want to do our part to support the people of Haiti. One of the biggest issues being discussed are the number of amputations occurring and the impact this will have on people being able to survive and rehabilitate their lives. The last statistic we heard was that there were over 100 amputations a day with more imminent as infections take hold.

The only prosthetic lab in Haiti, Healing Hands for Haiti Foundation (HHHF), was 75% demolished in the earthquake. Healing Hands for Haiti has been a long time partner of ROMP and a model we have always emulated and respected. Members of HHHF are in Haiti now assessing the damage and planning the prosthetic rehabilitation relief effort.

Please view this CNN video that discusses HHHF.

ROMP is committed to supporting HHHF and the people of Haiti in the following ways:

-Providing equipment and components to allow HHHF to rebuild their facilities
-Providing 100% of earmarked funds directly to initiatives assisting HHHF
-Organizing and mobilizing a team of volunteer practitioners and support staff to begin fitting patients in the spring

How you can help:

-Donate online: http://www.rompglobal.org/donate.php include the memo "Haiti relief"
-Spread the word and let others know that there is a way to assist the rapidly growing need for prosthetic rehabilitation in Haiti and throughout the developing world.

Equipment and Component donations can be sent to:
ROMP Donations
Attn: Mike Angelico
8641 W. 95th St.
Hickory Hills, IL 60457

Thank you,

The ROMP directors


  1. Not a huge Paul Farmer fan, but he mentions prostheses in this post. Krupa, let me know if you need me to learn Creole real quick.


  2. Mark just saw your comment and watching the video now. We are going to haiti as soon as we get the green light from out partners there. Check out wbez.org 91.5 fm Chicago Thursday at noon. My partner will be talking about ROMP's future work in Haiti with Healing Hand for Haiti. Start learning creole my friend...want to help i'll let you know when we are going.
